Rosenblum: We Lived Happily During the War FULL SCORE


Commissioned by the Fromm Foundation, written for Jamie Jordan and Talujon Percussion

We Lived Happily During the War (2021) (20’) is scored for soprano and six percussionists and is inspired by a poem by the Ukrainian American poet Ilya Kaminsky. This piece was made possible by a grant from the Fromm Music Foundation and written for soprano Jamie Jordan and the Talujon percussion ensemble.

We Lived Happily During the War is comprised of four songs and a percussion interlude all of which reflect the isolation, pain, and political call to action – and the resulting inaction – that the 2020 pandemic has come to represent. It is also a further contemplation about my family history, specifically my grandmother’s escape from Ukraine with her seven children after the massacre in her town during the 1919 pandemic (my grandmother’s pre-recorded singing voice is featured in movement II). The piece takes on a devastating new meaning in light of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. We Lived Happily During the War is dedicated to my dear friend and colleague, Eric Moe.

Movement I, No Words, translates the phrases “no words” and “there are no words” into ten languages. Movement II is based on a Yiddish folk song (“I’m laughing at you, for God is with Me”) and incorporates my grandmother’s pre-recorded voice. Movement III uses the text “The Loneliness One dare not sound” by Emily Dickinson. After a substantial percussion interlude Movement V presents the powerful poem “We Lived Happily During the War” by Ilya Kaminsky. – MR

Instrumentation: Soprano & Percussion Sextet
Duration: 20
Composed: 2021
Published by: Plurabelle Music

Product SKU: 12600070
Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight 0.5712 lbs

Rosenblum, Mathew


Soprano, Percussion Sextet & Pre-recorded Audio



Publication Type

Full Score


Duration Range



Plurabelle Music


Subito Distribution