Hemphill: Reflections/Lyric/Skin 1/Skin 2 for A Critical Edition


When Hemphill moved to New York City in 1973, he writes a suite of pieces for his first recording session for Arista Freedom, released in 1975 with the provocative title “Coon Bid’ness.” The four compositions performed on the first side of the LP flow from one to the other as a complete work. They are some of his most powerful and striking works for small ensemble, here a sextet of three saxophones, cello, drums, and conga. The score and parts for this work are not in the Julius Hemphill Archive. Jerome Harris, one of Julius’ close musical collaborators, has done a transcribed version of the score. Both critical editions listed above include a substantive essay by Ehrlich engaging the musical and social contexts of these seminal works.

Instrumentation: 2 Alto Saxophones, Baritone Saxophone, Violoncello, Drums, Congas
Published by: Subito Music Publishing

Product SKU: 90920130
Tags: accompanied by percussion, Jazz

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Weight 0.2979 lbs

Hemphill, Julius


A Critical Edition

Publication Type




Subito Music Publishing


Subito/Notevole Music