Subito Music’s Most Popular Flute Collections!

CD Sheet Music™

The World’s Greatest Sheet Music Library

CD Sheet Music™ offers the most comprehensive collections of sheet music and published scores for orchestra, chamber ensemble, piano, strings, winds, voice, and chorus by the world’s great classical composers from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modern eras. CD Sheet Music™ collections make available for the first time on CD-ROM a wide range of printed music from well-known and highly regarded editions in a convenient format for personal use including performance, reference, research, and more. A world of music at your fingertips!

CD Sheet Music™ Woodwind Collections

The four collections in this series of works for woodwinds bring together the essential repertoire for clarinet and flute spanning the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern eras (18th through early 20th centuries). For added reference, each collection also includes composer biographies and relevant articles from the 1911 edition ofGrove’s Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Individual works included in each collection have been selected from editions in the public domain by such renowned publishers as Breitkopf & Hartel, C.F. Peters, G. Schirmer, Carl Fischer, G. Ricordi, Durand, and others. Our editorial staff has chosen the best edition available for each work.

Flute Methods, Studies & Ensembles: The Ultimate Collection
Flute Solos: The Ultimate Collection
Clarinet Methods, Studies & Ensembles: The Ultimate Collection
Clarinet Solos and Duos: The Ultimate Collection

The Orchestra Musician’s Library™

The Orchestra Musician’s Library™ offers complete sets of original orchestral parts from the great symphonic repertoire — over 700 masterworks from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern periods — available on individual CD-ROMS by instrument. Sheet music pages are formatted for easy viewing, searching, and printing, transforming any computer (PC or MAC) into a virtual music library. Available by individual instruments or complete volume sets.

The Orchestra Musician’s Library™ Volumes 1-12 Flute & Piccolo Complete Set [12 CD-ROMs]
Browse The Orchestra Musician’s Library™ Individual Woodwind Titles & Volumes

Browse ALL Flute titles available from Subito Music!
Subito Music, J.B. Elkus, Seesaw Music, and more!

Subito Music is widely recognized for publishing and distributing the finest quality music with state of the art service. We offer an extensive selection of sheet music for solo instruments, ensemble, and voice, as well as orchestral scores and music books available in print and digital formats. The Subito Store provides outstanding customer service. Most orders ship within 2 business days of receipt. Please contact us if you need it more SUBITO!