DBR “Dances” at BAM

“Symphonic music has always had an element of ‘dance’ in it….” And so, Daniel Bernard Roumain (DBR) invites audiences to take the floor with him at BAM’s Next Wave Festival, where, on October 13th — 15th, his Symphony for the Dance Floor receives its New York premiere. Directed by D.J. Mendel, Symphony for the Dance Floor was first performed in February 2011 at Arizona State University’s Gammage Center. The full-evening multimedia work features photography by Jonathan Mannion, choreography by Millicent Johnnie, collaboration with Elan Vytal and DBR’s unique blending of vibrant classical, electronica and hip-hop sounds.

DBR continues, “Within the traditional symphonic form, there is a dance-movement, and even in the great master—Beethoven—his symphonies took that third movement to a metric extreme in his hyper-paced scherzos…Symphony for the Dance Floor’s score is composed, but it is also a work that is fixed as much as it’s constantly in flux…Everything is ultimately tied to the score, and the on-stage environment—the projections, video, lights, choreography, sound design, costumes, on-stage seating, DJ, MC, and singer—are all in service to the music, an important extension of the sound.”

Following the New York premiere, DBR immediately tours Symphony for the Dance Floor to Albany, NY’s famed EGG (October 16th) and then to Tri-C Presents (October 21st) in Cleveland, OH where DBR also currently serves as composer-in-residence at Cuyahoga Community College. Symphony for the Dance Floor is the final installment of a three-year commissioning project. Previous installments include: One Loss Plus and Darwin’s Meditation for the People of Lincoln.

Next up on DBR’s schedule is a guest performance of his Voodoo Violin Concerto with the Arkansas Symphony.

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